We will post an update with the primary results as soon as we have more information…Full results are expected June 19th.
Official results are posted here when available:
Today, Governor Sisolak released details of the State’s plans to address the Fiscal Year 2020 budget shortfall. From the press release:
“Working with state agencies to identify options to address the shortfall, the Governor’s Finance Office is proposing $67 million in reductions in state agency operating expenses, as well as $49 million through the reversal of one-time appropriations from the 2019 session that had not yet been expended. These actions have been submitted to the Interim Finance Committee for final approval on Friday to close the budget gap, along with related adjustments to the fund balance. “
We will be covering IFC on Friday and have more info for you after the meeting.
The Governor also signed a directive allowing local school districts, charter schools, and private schools to immediately reopen for summer learning and activities while implementing the Phase 2 protocols designed to keep students, staff, families, and communities safe. The full directive and information can be found here:
Nevada’s Path Forward: A Framework for a Safe, Efficient, and Equitable Return to School Buildings
Declaration of Emergency Directive 022 – K-12 School Re-Opening for Summer Learning and Activities
Nevada Summer Learning & Activity Guidance
Agency Updates
Nevada Health Response notes uptick in COVID-19 cases, reiterates precautionary measures
Secretary Cegavske Announces Results Publishing Schedule for the Primary Election
City Of Las Vegas Announces New Application Portal For Business Grant
Articles of Interest
In mostly mail-in election, voters who opt to cast ballot in person face long wait times (NV Indy)
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