Today, the Nevada Health Response Center, in coordination with the Local Empowerment Advisory Panel (LEAP), released industry-specific guidance for Phase 1 reopening, in alignment with the Nevada United: Roadmap to Recovery. The guidance covers a wide-range of industries and was developed by the Local Empowerment Advisory Panel (LEAP) in conjunction with the Governor’s Office, public health officials and local health districts, business leaders, state agencies and state licensing and regulatory boards.
The guidelines and press release can be found here:
Industry-Specific Guidance for Nevada Phase One Re-Opening
Nevada Health Response Releases Industry-Specific Guidance for Phase 1 Reopening
The Clark County Commission held an emergency meeting today and voted to not add any additional requirements other than what the Governor has put in his plan. All the Cities testified in public comment urging the County to not add any stricter requirements and stated they would not be adding anything additional either.
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